Johann Wolf , 18431923 (79 Jahre alt)

Johann /Wolf/
Geburt 1. Dezember 1843 22 21
Tod eines väterlichen GroßvatersBernhard Wolf
5. Mai 1845 (1 Jahr alt)
Tod einer MutterTheresia Haselberger
3. Juni 1854 (10 Jahre alt)
Heirat eines ElternteilsEduard WolfJosefa SchrankDiese Familie ansehen
9. Januar 1855 (11 Jahre alt)
Geburt einer HalbschwesterMaria Wolf
3. Juli 1857 (13 Jahre alt)
HeiratElisabeth WeishäuplDiese Familie ansehen
1. Mai 1874 (30 Jahre alt)
Tod einer EhefrauElisabeth Weishäupl
2. Januar 1910 (66 Jahre alt)
Tod eines VatersEduard Wolf

Tod 26. August 1923 (79 Jahre alt)
Familie mit Eltern
Heirat Heirat27. Februar 1843Fürstenhut
9 Monate
er selbst
Geburt: 1. Dezember 1843 22 21Fürstenhut
Tod: 26. August 1923Oshkosh, Winnebago, WI, USA
Familie des Vaters mit Josefa Schrank
Heirat Heirat9. Januar 1855Fürstenhut
3 Jahre
Familie mit Elisabeth Weishäupl
er selbst
Geburt: 1. Dezember 1843 22 21Fürstenhut
Tod: 26. August 1923Oshkosh, Winnebago, WI, USA
Geburt: 7. Oktober 1849 38 41Fürstenhut Nr. 31
Tod: 2. Januar 1910Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA
Heirat Heirat1. Mai 1874Fürstenhut

Obituary: Oshkosh Daily Northwestern (Oshkosh, Wisconsin); 27 & 28 August 1923 John Wolf died Sunday morning at the age of 78 years at his home, 1116 Sixth street. He is survived by six daughters, Mrs. Joseph Selenka, Mrs. Gottlieb Scherz, Mrs. Joseph Klima, Mrs. John Schroeder, Mrs. Walter Joyce, Mrs. Frank Steppler; and by two sons, Mr. Edward and Alois Wolf. He is also survived by fifty-four grandchildren, twenty great-grandchildren; one brother and one sister. Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock from the Sacred Heart Catholic church. Rev. M. J. Schmitz will conduct the services. The members of St. Aloysius court no. 1023, of the Woman's Cathlic Order of Foresters, will assemble at the home of Mrs. Walter Joyce, 912 Knapp street, at 7:15 o'clock this evening, to offer prayers for Mr. Wolf. The pallbearers were his grandsons, Joseph and Frank Selenka, Gottlieb Scherz, John Schroeder, and Martin and John Wolf. Interment was at Sacred Heart cemetery.

Johann Wolf: In Austria The Wolf's owned a saw mill and a grist mill. Johann Wolf's marriage certificate lists his occupation as a sawyer. The Wolf's were well known and in high social status within the village. When they emigrated to America, the village band serenaded them as they began their journey Their house was built into the side of a hill Theresa Wolf remembered beautiful flowers, such as edelweiss and forget-me-nots, growing around the house. She also remembered a small brook nearby. The River Moldau has its source in this brook

Born in Hsnr. 21. Godfather: Michael Selbitschka, Häusler in Furstenhut, and his wife Catherine. Midwife Maria Wolf, unaudited. - Marriage age: 30 5/12 years. At the wedding jurisdiction under Furstenhut no. 56, currently in Kreuzberg. Witnesses: Ferdinand Kufner, business owners in Buchenwald # 8;. Wenzel Harant, Inwohner in Furstenhut Nr. 3,.

After the Wolf's immigrated and were on the train heading towards Wisconsin, they bought a banana to eat. Since they had never seen one before they did not know how to eat it. They proceeded to eat the banana without peeling it. Someone then showed them how to eat the banana.

Johann's occupation while he lived in Oshkosh, Wi. was Factory worker at the Radford Co., Oshkosh, Wi. (still in operation today) In 1871, the Radford Company began operations as a sawmill and wood product distribution plant on three acres in downtown Oshkosh.